Elgin County, Aldborough Township
Concession 12, Lot 16

As Transcribed by the West Elgin Genealogical & Historical Society
April 23, 1983

1. Rose granite, 3' x 5', with concrete base and ridge on top. "M" transcribed on top.
In memory of/ Alexander MacColl,/ Who died Oct. 7, 1905,/ in his 83rd year/
Euphemia Stalker,/ wife of the above/ died Feb. 21, 1896/ in her 50th year/ Natives of Argyleshire, Scotland/
also their infant daughter/ MacColl
a. Headstone - Alex McColl/ and / Wife
b. Footstone - Infant
c. Footstone - Father
d. Footstone - Mother
e, f, g, h; square cornerstone - "M"

2. Grey granite 6' x 7' on granite base with peaked top. "MacColl"
a. Flat slab - MacColl
b. Headstone - Mary J. / McColl/ 1860 - 1920
c. Headstone - Catherine / McColl Boss/ 1860 - 1932
d. Headstone - Father / John MacColl/ 1821 - 1906
e. Headstone - Mother / Margaret Campbell / 1833 - 1901
f. Headstone - Margaret / 1868 - 1898
g. Headstone - John A. / 1873 - 1888
h. Headstone - Donald J. / 1864 - 1900

3. Grey granite scroll on pile of stone.
Peter/ McCallum/ 1812 - 1857 / his wife / Sarah / McLachlan / 1814 - 1889 / Natives of Scotland

4. Very small round-top marker - A. F.

5. Small, broken rectangular marker - G. J. F.

6. Broken, white sandstone, 3 1/2' x 18", with rounded top and clasped hands.
In Memory of / Mary Ann/ wife of / John Armstrong / died / Aug. 13, 1886 / Aged 75 years. 3 mos. / & 21 days / His ...(illegible)... / ...? ... / God ...? ..../ Hid ...?... be ...

7. Red granite, 2' x 18"
Thomas R. Ripley/ Born May 26, 1835/ Died May 4, 1898 .
His Wife / Esther M. Frazer/ Born May 28, 1850 / Died Dec 1, 1928.

8. Grey granite, 30" x 12", slightly raised up with roses on top corners.
BONN/ John / 1838-1911 /
His Wife / Eva / 1869-1958

9. Red granite on cement base, 3 feet high
Campbell / John D Campbell / Born 1797 - Died 1884 /
Julia Ann McLachlan / wife of the above / Born 1809 - Died 1887 /
Mary, Their daughter / Born 1831 -
a. Father

10. Pile of rocks with clasped hands on alter, shield shaped stone, on cement base.
James son of / Arch'd & Jennet McArthur (?) / Died Aug. 9, 1828, 13 years (?), 11 days / The Lordy bad so young and fair / ?ild hence by early doom/ Ahamed to show how sweet a flower / In Paradise would bloom / B. Kelly

11. Sandstone with cement base.
David M. Wallace / Died / April 30, 1878 / 34 years/ 20 or 30 d's / ? for me my life is ? / My life with you not long ? / ? show and pile ? / ? and my children for ?.

12. Red Granite border on white granite stone 30" x 15", set flat in ground.
Carrie Jane Lang/ wife of Archie Aaron Gray / July 19, 1886 - Feb. 15, 1924.
a. White sandstone marker at east end of above plot, rounded top with "Carrie J." on the top.

13. White granite stone, 3' tall, 4" thick x 2' wide, set on cement base. Top slanted to the east. "Campbell" on the slanted top.
East side: Duncan Campbell / born Jan. 9, 1812 / died April 26, 1899 / Nancy Ruthven / his wife / born April 24, 1821 / died May 24, 1892.
Two white granite markers at east end of the above stone, each 2" x 10"
a. South east stone reads "Father" on top.
b. North east stone reads "Mother" on top.

14. Red granite stone, 3' x 2' x 1', set on white granite base, with rounded top.
East side: William Mowbray / Aug. 1, 1830 - Dec. 1, 1910 /
his wife / Annie Campbell / 1842 - 1834 /
Mary B. / July 15, 1865 - Jan. 4, 1912 /
Ella J. / Aug. 26, 1874 - July 11, 1876 /
Clara L. / Apr. 12, 1878 - May 25, 1881 /
"Mowbray" at bottom of red stone.
a. White sandstone marker, at end of above plot, southeast, reads "Father" on top.
b. White sandstone marker at end of above plot, north east, reads "Mary" on top.
c. White granite marker, Northeast - "Ella J."
d. White granite marker, Southeast - "Clara J."

15. Red granite stone, 6' x 2', with urn on top. Letter, "F" at top on all four sides. Top stone set in white sandstone base, 3' x 2'. "Ferguson" on North side of base.
North: In / Memory of / John B. / Ferguson / Oct. 6, 1875 / May 15, 1929 /
His wife / Mary Lang / Oct. 13, 1876 / Feb. 5, 1959 /
John L. Ferguson / Feb. 17, 1904 / Feb. 7, 1967
West: In / Memory of / Reuben / Ferguson / 1880 - 1933 /
His wife / Katherine / Cameron / 1879 - 1942.
South: In / Memory of John Ferguson / Died / Jan. 10, 1901 / Aged 72 yrs. / 29 days / Gone but not forgotten /
Elizabeth / his wife died / Mar. 8, 1914 / Aged 71 year / 1 mo.
East: In / Memory of / Colin James, / died / Jan. 24, 1875 / aged 4 yrs. / 11 mos. /
Alexander / died / Oct. 31, 1872 / aged 11 days /
Sons of John / & Elizabeth / Ferguson /
at bottom of stone -
Infant dau of John and Mary Ferguson / died Oct. 28, 1910
a. North of above stone, red granite 3' x 1', set in flat in the ground.
Helene Merriam Bogart / Fashion Artist / wife of John L. Ferguson /
Mother of / Donald and Mary Jane / Sept 5, 1903 - July 7, 1955.
b. South of above stone - Marker set flat in ground - John L.
c. South of above stone - Marker set flat in ground - Mary L.
d. South of above stone - Marker set flat in ground - John B.
e. West of above stone - Marker - A. F.
f. North of above stone - Marker - flat in ground - C.J.F.
g. North of above stone - Marker - no lettering
h. West of above stone - Marker, rounded top - Infant
i. Same as 15 h (above): Colin J.
j. Same as 15 h (above): Alexander
k. West of 15 j (above): Marker, flat top on West side - J. F.
l. North of 15 k (above): Marker, flat top - E. F.
m. West of 15 l (above): Marker, rounded top - Mother
n. South of 15 m (above): same description - Father
o. South Corner plot marker - "F"
p. East Corner plot marker - "F"
q. North Corner plot marker - "F"
r. West Corner plot marker - "F"

16. Grey granite stone in white sandstone base, 6' x 1' square.
North: In/ Memory of / Isabella / wife of / Hector Lang, / died / Mar 19, 1890 / aged 83 years. / Native of Argyle / shire, Scotland/
Hector Lang / 1871-1952 /
Adam Wilson / Lang / 1882-1947 / Thatcher-Ridgetown.
West: In/ Memory of / Daniel / Lang / Nov 25, 1841 / July 18, 1927 /
Ann Jane / Graham / his wife / Aug 18, 1845 / Feb 9, 1931 /
Isobella Lang / Aug 6, 1868 / Nov 11, 1939
South: Florence Lang/ wife / Lorne A Campbell / died / Oct 16, 1911 / aged 33 years /
Mary / died June 12, 1874 / AE 1 year, 6 mos /
Samuel G / died / Sep 25, 1882 / A E 2 years, 8 mos /
Christina / died Mar 6, 1886 / AE 1 yr 10 mos /
Chldren of Daniel and Ann J Lang /
Infant daughter / born Jan 20, 1875 / died Jan 28, 1875
East: In/ Memory of / Hector Lang / May 2, 1888 / aged 79 years / Native of Argyle-/ shire, Scotland / Not gone from Memory or from love /
Carrie J Lang / wife of / Dr A. A. Gray / died / Feb 15, 1924 / aged 37 years / Missionary to Formosa /
"Lang" at bottom of stone.
a. Marker set in ground, "Mother"
b. Marker set in ground,"Father"
c. Marker, rounded top - "Mother"
d. Marker, rounded top - "Father"
e. East of above markers. flat top on east side, "H. L."
f. North of 16 e (above), same description on west side, "I. L."
g. North of 16 f (above), marker set flat in ground 1' x 6", "Isabella" on top
h. Marker,flat top, On east side, "M. L."
i. Marker west of main large stone, rounded top "Mary" on top
j. Marker west of main large stone, rounded top "Infant" on top
k. Marker west of main large stone, rounded top "Samuel" on top
l. Marker west of main large stone, rounded top "Christina" on top
m. Marker west of main large stone, rounded top "Florence" on top

17. Grey granite stone, facing east, 1 1/2' x 2' x 1', flowers on either side of inscription.
Stewart /
Edward Bud Stewart / Born 1858-Died 1939 /
Beloved Husband of Nancy Mowbray / Born 1857 - Died 1948
a. Headstone, 4" x 12" - "Father"
b. Headstone, 4" x 12" - "Mother"

18. Red granite headstone, 6" x 18"
Daniel Mowbray / 1867 - 1909

19. Square grey 4-tiered granite stone, 5' high, with gothic top
East: In / Memory of / Mary H J / Dau of / Francis & Sarah / Tasker / died Mar 24, 1876 / Aged 22 years / Sister thou art gone to rest /Thine is an early lamb, / But Jesus summoned thee away / Thy Saviour called thee home
North: In / memory of / Sarah A / wife of / Francis Tasker / Died / Dec 22, 1886 / Aged 62 years. / Sweet is the sleep our mother takes / Till in Christ Jesus she awakes / Then will her happy soul rejoice / To hear her blessed Saviour's voice / Tasker (on bottom)

20. In/ memory of / Jane / Dau of Donald & Jane / Campbell / Died / Feb 24, 1873 / Age 43 years / In the silent tomb we leave thee / Till the morn when Christ appears / Then with joy we hope to greet thee / Far beyond this vale of tears / J. R. Hughes, St. Thomas
a. Grey headstone - Alex / John / Marjorie / Campbell
b. White grave marker - "J. C."

21. Repaired white limestone slabe, square top, arch & flowers on top. Flowers and clasped hands - Farewell
In memory of / Mary / Beloved wife of / Robert Mowbray / who died / June 16, 1874

22. Old white slab, double rounded top, broken off & set flat in cement, Flowers on top on either side.
Right: Martha / died / Mar 16, 1873 / Age 10 years & 16 days
Left: Robert / died / Feb 23 1873 / Age 7 years & 1 months
Bottom centre: Children of Robert & Mary Mowbray
a. White headstone - "R.M."
b. White headstone - "M.M."

23. Grey granite 3' x 4', on granite base. "Paterson" at top.
Left: FATHER / Daniel Paterson / born in Argyleshire / Scotland / Aug 22, 1842 / died Apr 22, 1903 /
Mary / born at Eagle / Mar 10, 1877 / died at Eagle / Mar 20, 1877.
Right: MOTHER / Flora Paterson / born in Argyleshire / Scotland / Feb 25, 1844 / died Dec 13, 1902 /
Sarah / born at Eagle / Feb 1879 / died at Eagle / Mar 1879
a. Headstone - "FATHER"
b. Headstone - "SARAH"

24. Red granite, 4' x 3' , with half curtains with ropes on grey base.
East: Donald McIntyre / died Jan 4, 1861 / aged 34 years /
Mrs. Christina Thomson / died Jan 31, 1909 / aged 81 years & 2 mos / Thomson
West: Barbara McIntyre / died Mar 13, 1874 / aged 15 years & 6 mos /
Donald McIntyre / died June 19, 1861 / aged 7 months /
Infant, died June 1857 / aged 4 days
a. Headstone - "Donald"
b. Headstone - "Barbara"
c, d, e, f - corner stones.

25. Small red granite 2' x 1.5'
Rev Elmer E Hench / May 1861 - Feb 1930 /
His wife / Annie Lang / Nov 1869 - June 1837. a. Headstone - "Husband"
b. Headstone - "Wife"
c, d, e - Cornerstones "H"

26. Red granite, 3' x 3', on grey granite base, lily design.
East: McColl/ Duncan M McColl/ 1860 - 1890 /
Mary M McColl / 1865 - 1921 /
Annie M McColl / 1863 - 1956 /
Archd J McColl / 1859 - 1942 /
Natives of Lismore, Argyleshire, Scotland
West: McColl/ Malcolm McColl / 1812- 1881 /
his wife / Janet McColl / 1828- 1911 /
and their family /
Alex M McColl / 1873-1923 /
Donald M McColl / 1868-1947 / Natives of Lismore, Argyleshire, Scotland.
a. Headstone - Arch'd J
b. Headstone - Mary M
c. Headstone - Duncan M
d. Headstone - Father
e. Headstone - Mother
f. Headstone - Alex M
g. Headstone - Annie M
h, i, j, k - Cornerstones, "M"
l. Headstone - Donald M

27. Black granite, 2' x 1.5'
Malcolm M Leitch / 1832-1908 /
his wife / Isabella Lang / 1847-1933

28. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Father"

29. Headstone, sandstone - "Melissa"

30. Grey sandstone, 4.5' column, open book on top
East: (Weeping willow, under arch) Christina / Campbell / Died July 18, 1918 / Aged 78 years / Native of Argyleshire / Scotland. / CAMPBELL on base.
South: (Leaf design on top) John Campbell/ Died / Sept 5, 1901 / Aged / 52 years / Native of / Argyleshire / Scotland
a. Headstone, grey sandstone "John"
b. Headstone, grey sandstone "Christina"

31. Grey sandstone column, 5' tall, design of star and lilies
East: Ellen Norey / wife of Neil Campbell / Died Nov 7, 1909 / Aged 54 years / Native of Aberdeen / Shire, Scotland /
Neil Campbell / Died Sept 2, 1919 / Aged 68 yrs / Native of Argyleshire / Scotland / CAMPBELL
West: John Campbell / 1876-1940 /
His wife / Mary MacKinnon / 1881-1918 /
Katie / 1905-1930 /
Johnny / 1910-1911.
a. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Husband"
b. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Wife"
c. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Johnny"
d. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Father"
e. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Mother"
f, g, h, i - small stones used as cornerstones

32. Small round pillar stone, grey granite.
Top: Hector G. son of / Henry J & Savilla May / Hyatt / Died Mar 7, 1903 / Aged 4 mos 13 dys.

33. Small white marble stone, broken at top, and no inscription.

34. Flat grey sandstone 1.5' x 2'
Top: AT REST / Charles A Eaton / 1869-1938 /
His Wife / Sarah Schrader 1865 - 19_

35. Grey granite, 12" x 24", cross on top
Vincent Bury / Flying Officer / RCAF / 19 May, 1970 - Age 48

36. Grey granite 2'x 2', cement base
Campbell / James Campbell / 1876-1951 /
His wife / Janet Campbell /
Their daughter Tena - 1923-1940
a. Place marker- "Tena"

37. Large red granite stone on cement base, 5' x 3', in 3 sections
F. Frederick J Lindenman / Died Sept 12, 1912 / Aged 56 Years 6 mos / AT REST /
His wife / Elizabeth L Switzer / Died July 10, 1936 / Aged 83 years 6 mos /
(on back of stone:) LINDENMAN
a. Marker - MOTHER
b. Marker - FATHER

38. Large red granite 5' x 3", LINDENMAN on back of stone. (NOTE: Same plot as # 35)
Caroline Lindenman / Died Feb 6, 1912 / In her 65th Year /
Philip Lindenman / Died Mar 18, 1916 / Aged 69 Years.

39. Grey sandstone, 3' x 18", rounded top, cement base, clasped hands.
Edward E / son of / PJ & Caroline / Lindenman / Died Oct 21, 1902 / Aged 24 years / & 7 days. / (2 line verse, unclear) Watch therefore, for ye know not / What hour your Lord doth come.
a. Marker, blank,

40. White Sandstone, with rounded top, on cement base, 12" x 24". Design of hand with finger pointing up.
In Memory of / Mary Louisa / Infant dau of / J. J. & Caroline / Lindenman / Died Sept 21, 1882 / Aged 6 months / & 17 days / (2 line verse unclear). Cripps of Doggett, St Thomas

41. Large grey granite on cement base, 2' x 3', with rounded top.
East: George W. Leith / 1890-1972
West: (Flowers on sides) In / Loving Memory of / Margaret May / Dau of Peter / & Mary Leith / Died June 24, 1913 / In her 26th Year / Asleep in Jesus /
Peter Leith / 1859-1941 / His wife / Mary James / 1866-1949 / Lumley - Doam
North: Florence Leith / May 13, 1898 /Mar 20 1971 /
Clarence Leith / 1900 - _
a. Flat Marker - MOTHER
b. Flat Marker - FATHER
c. Flat Marker - FLORENCE
d. Flat Marker - GEORGE

42. Red granite top, grey granite base, 3' x 2', rounded top.
East: Lindenman / David W / 1894-1960 /
His wife / Hope Clay / 1895-1948 /
Annie M Lindenman / 1877 - 1954 /
Wife of Hugh McLellan / 1871-1958
West: L. / Lindenman / Martha Lindenman / 1882-1942 /
Emma Lindenman / 1879-1959 /
Rose Lindenman / 1884-1976
a. Raised Marker, grey sandstone - "Emma"
b. Raised Marker, grey sandstone - "Martha"
c. Flat Marker, red granite - "Annie"
d. Flat Marker, red granite - "Hugh"
e. Flat Marker, grey granite - "Rose"
f. Flat Marker, grey granite - "David"
g. Flat Marker, grey granite - "Hope"
h. Grey granite - In memory of / Catherine E / Lindenman/ 1871-1945
i. Grey granite - In memory of / Florence L / Lindenman/ 1886-1960
j. Grey granite - In memory of / Philip J / Lindenman/ 1890-1953
k, l, m, n: Plot corner stones, each with "L"

43. Flat light grey sandstone, 1' x 2', small design in top corners.
Minor / Boss/ 1859 - 1941

44. Tall grey sandstone column, circular top 8.5' tall
Southeast: In / memory of / Ernst Lindenman / Died Nov 6, 1883 / AE 76 Y's, 9 M's / & 16 D's / a native of / Baden / Germany / A loving friend, a husband dear / A tender parent lieth here: / Great is the loss that we sustain, / But hope in heaven to meet again. / Huchinson & Miller Aylmer / LINDENMAN
Northeast: In / Memory of / Catherine Lindenman / Died Jan 7, 1885 / AE 74 Y's, 1 Mo / & 21 D's / She was a tender mother here / And in her life the Lord did fear / We trust our loss will be her gain / And that with Christ she's gone to reign.
a. Headstone, grey sandstone - "FATHER"
b. Headstone, grey sandstone - "MOTHER"
c. Grey sandstone upright slab, 1' x 1', on east side - "Catherine"
d. Marker, small grey sandston - C. L.
e. Cornerstone, small square white.

45. Grey granite 2.5' x 3' x 1', with granite base
East: BURR / Henry Burr/ Died July 21, 1897 / In his 56th year /
His wife / Jane Caroline / Died Jan 21st, 1922 / In her 75th year / At rest / (Flower and leaf design on bottom).
a, b, c - Cornerstones - "B"
d. Headstone - "Father"

46. Old upright slab sandstone, 2.5' x 2', on cement base, lamb lying down on top
East: Sarah J / Dau of / G. & G. / Munday / Died June 5, 1877 / AE 1 year., 10 M/x / & 19 Days / (Illegible verse at bottom)
a. Small cornerstone, no inscription.

47. Grey sandstone column, urn on top and leaf design on each side.
West: In / memory of / William / Switzer / Died / Jan 11, 1900 / Aged 86 Years / 6 Ms., 24 Ds. / The precious to our hearts has done / The voice we loved is stilled / The place made vacant in our home / Can never voice we loved is stilled / The place made vacant in hour home / Can never more be filled.
North: In / Memory of / Eliza Ann, / Wife of / William Switzer / Died / Sept 11, 1895 / Aged 75 years / & 6 Ms.
a. Small Marker, grey sandstone - E.A.S.
b. Small Headstone, grey sandstone - "FATHER"
c. Small Headstone, grey sandstone - "MOTHER"

48. Grey sandstone, 5' x 4"
Southeast: Robert / Ollett / Died / Mar 28, 1897 / Age 59 Yrs /
His wife / Louisa / McIntyre / Died / Sept 23, 1922 / in her / 82nd Year
Northeast: Bertha F / Daughter of Wm D and Jane L / Ollett / Died / May 24, 1897 / Aged 2 Yrs / and 7 Mo's / Ollett
a. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Our Darling"
b. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Father"

49. Grey sandstone, flowers in top part of stone.
East: H. Stanley Gardner / 1890-1951 /
His wife / Ethel G Leith / 1893-1972 /
Their son / Herbert L / 1934-1973
a. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Stanley"
b. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Ethel"
c. Headstone, grey sandstone - "Herbert"

50. Black granite, 15" x 2', left corner has flower motif in ground.
Left: James / Francis / Spence / 1908- _
Centre: His wife
Right: Leona / May / 1907-_
a, b. Corner markers, white marble - "S"

51. White sandstone with cement base, 3' x 2'. Two bells with clasped hands on top.
Left: Alex Baxter / son of / Dugald & Mary / Baxter / Died / Apr 19, 1879 / Aged 22 yrs / 5 months, 13 d's

52. Right: Mary Walker/ Wife of Dugald Baxter / Died / Jan 31, 1876 / Aged 46 years / (lines of verse illegible)
a. Marker - A. B.
b. Marker - M. B.

53. Headstone - Mrs. Donald / Carmichael

54. Broken base, resting against tree

55. Red granite, 3' x 2.5', on 1 foot grey base, with curved top.
East: MacNicol / Nicol MacNicol / born / in Arran, Scotland / May 11, 1845 / died Mar 7, 1912 /
his wife / Isabella Carmichael / Lismore, Scotland / May 1843, April 21, 1938
West: Children of / Nicol & Isabella MacNicol /
Nicol / Duncan / Donald / Mary / Archie / Robinson
a. Headstone - "Mother"
b. Headstone - "Father"

56. Rose granite 2' x 2.5' on grey granite base
East: Carmichael / Mary, wife of / Duncan Carmichael / died June 13, 1914 / Aged 94 years / Native of Lismore / Argyleshire, Scotland.
South: Archibald / Carmichael / 1854-1932
a. Headstone, red granite - Archibald Carmichael / Lismore, Scotland / 1855-1932

57. White limestone, repaired. Weeping willows and hand holding open book.
In / memory of / Duncan Carmichael / who died / Mar 29, 1876 aged 67 y'rs. / A native of Lismore, Scotland / A loving friend, a husband dear / A tender parent lieth here / Great is the loss we here sustain / But hope in heaven to meet again.
a. Headstone - Duncan/ Carmichael / and Mary
b. Cornerstone, resting against #55 - "D.C."

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